Environmental Studies
Three ecological studies of flora and fauna have been performed in The Hills. Click on blue (linked) text below to read the survey and inventory studies.
Note: These linked files are large and may require your patience in downloading.
- The Oswegatchie Hills Nature Preserve Terrestrial Ecology Survey was performed by Richard Gallagher of the FOHNP Board of Directors in 2010-11 to inventory general habitat types, to determine the general plant and animal communities/species present, and locate likely wetlands.
- The Oswegatchie Hills Natural Resource Inventory, Environmental Review Team Report was performed in 2007 by the Environmental Review Team of the Eastern Connecticut Resource Conservation and Development Area, Inc.
- The Audubon Connecticut Forest Bird Habitat Assessment of Oswegatchie Hills was performed by Audubon Connecticut, Ferrucci & Walicki, LLC, and Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station in 2015. Its purpose was to:
- Determine what birds are currently utilizing the habitats on the property.
- Describe and assess current forest bird habitat conditions on the property.
- Make recommendations for protecting and improving habitat for a suite of priority forest birds.
Note: These linked files are large and may require your patience in downloading.